Non-monetary aspects equally require strong evaluation while comparing In-house vs outsourced bookkeeping and accounting services. Sometimes extra finances trade-off with added value. So overall impact should be observed keeping both monetary and non-monetary aspects under consideration. Below are important non-monetary aspects to consider for.
Financial Reporting:
Outsourcing companies are target and task oriented. They possess expertise in financial reporting irrespective of any other factor. Focus on core accounting & finance duties enable them to efficiently carry out financial reporting. In-house accountants are sometimes substituted for other tasks as well. Assigning other irrelevant tasks ultimately burden them with pending works. All this result in a total mess. In-house accountants many times window dress financial reports instead of processing the remaining financial records. Transparency is greatly questionable in such circumstances.
Cost of outsourced bookkeeping is definitely balanced out with the high level of expertise. Experience matters a lot in accounting and finance. You can hire much experienced CA level staff in the less budget from Alterf Services than employing the full-time employee. In many cases, actual skills are revealed at finalization of accounts. Erroneous and improper month-end or quarter-end reporting can literally ruin all your efforts. By contacting the most reliable accounting and finance outsourcing company you can be stress free.
Internal controls only work when there is a counter check. Vesting entire accounting & finance responsibilities in one or two hands is basically an invitation to fraud. The key solution to this risk is segregation of duties. Peer review can further alleviate the issue. Unfortunately, small businesses deter such arrangement. The alternative route is to consult an outsourcing company. Workflow is designated among different tiers with the intention to cross check the performance. This ensures mitigation of fraud to the maximum.
No hidden charges:
Cost of outsourced bookkeeping is clear and precise with mentioned duties and tasks. Contrary to this, hiring a permanent in-house accountant will not only cost you the basic salary but also other associated allowances. Many times businesses miss this very basic calculation while estimating their working capital and ultimately face cash flow constraints.
Level of advice:
A pro advice can never be compared to junior level staff. Years of experience coupled with continuous training is definitely a big advantage to outsourcing companies. A junior accountant definitely lacks farsightedness when interpreting the forecasted cash flows and financial statements.